At the AGM held mid September, Samford Progress members voted for a new logo design. This has been the result of 6 months of discussion at meetings, with three logo designs and concepts shortlisted, before a public vote at the Samford Show and then the final decision from members.

The new logo design was the final part of our brand refresh, which will accompany the shortening of the official name of the Association for marketing and promotion purposes only, from Samford & Districts Progress & Protection Association, to Samford Progress. The aim is for both the name and logo to be easily recognised in the community.

While Samford Progress has been serving this community since 1970, many residents may not be aware of the many achievements of the volunteer Association since it began. For instance, did you know that Samford Museum was once a subcommittee, or that the Samford Edible Garden Trail and the Eco Corridor are some of the projects coordinated under the Samford Progress banner? Do you know that Christmas on Main Street, or Christmas in the Village as some may know it, has been a much loved community event presented and funded by Samford Progress for many, many years.

The Village Pump is also owned and operated by Samford Progress and the profits from advertising revenue since we began in 1977 have helped to support so many community groups through grants and also to assist with funding the annual Christmas event.

Samford Progress also manages the Samford Community Hub (SCHUB), which has hundreds of people from community and business using this facility each month.

“We are so excited to be launching this new logo and brand refresh into the community,” said President Leah Hudson. “We are proud of the work that has been undertaken by the membership since we began back in the 70’s and we have honoured this legacy by incorporating the five objectives that are embedded in everything we do. They are Pride, Protection, Representation, Promotion and Community,” Leah added.

The team at Samford Design & Print were tasked with coming up with logo designs and concepts, based on our brief, to bring new life to this important community Association. Their concept for this chosen design was to represent our rural environment, with a symbolic leaf/tree, conveying the land, sky and sun. The five colours symbolise the five objectives and the leaf direction points up, signifying the forward direction of Samford Progress.

If you’d like to hear more about what’s happening in the community, you’re welcome to attend a monthly meeting held on the third Wednesday of the month at the Samford Community Hub. Maybe you’d like to be involved in one of the sub-committees or working groups with projects across environment, sustainability, planning and development, and cultural. Find out more by emailing We look forward to meeting you.