One of the recent beneficiaries of the Samford & Districts Progress & Protection Association’s 2022 Community Grants Program was the Samford Scout Group, who used the grant to refurbish the floor of their main scout hall building.

The original concrete floor in the hall was laid in 1986 and since then it has served the activities of thousands of scout and community members who use the building. So, during the recent term holiday break, the floor was ground back and totally refurbished with the application of a modern epoxy flake floor coating. Within this durable coating, there has been included over 3 million flakes with a mix of 6 colours. Then in the centre of the floor, a special 5 metre diameter compass point, multi colour image has been added, to help teach future junior scouts about compass navigation.

The end result is stunning and is the work of local company, Marksmen Painting and Decorating. The owner of the business is Mark Smith who said, “I was pleased we could complete this special project for the Samford Scout Group as I was a Samford Scout, my children are now too, and I volunteer as an adult. For all the great scouting experiences had by our family, it is a pleasure to participate in a project that will bring joy to so many more people within our community in the years ahead.”

You can view more pictures of this completed project at

David Reed