Justice of the Peace & Commissioner for Declarations (JP)

Jps Samford

Our nearest public location is at the SCHUB, Tuesday 4pm – 7pm or Thursday 9am -12 noon.

You can also arrange an appointment with the following JPs. Maggie Scattini (Mt Nebo): 3289 8175. Peter Gloor (Cedar Creek): 0409 482 767. Peter Jackson (Camp Mountain): 3289 6495. John Green: 0400 373 726. Ben Sorensen: 0407 302 544. Sue Flinders (Kobble Creek): 0466 619 660. David Macdonald (Samford Valley): 0452 406 050. Justin Desmond: 0438 380 767. Julie Lummis (Armstrong Creek): 0404 606 575. Merv Brown: 0408 748 133. Linda Smith: 0409 637 203.
Anna Burden: 0423 594 900. Liz Gibbs: 3289 1700.

Commissioner for Declarations: Alison Murphy: 3289 2835. Don Goebel: 0412 932 288.


Posted on

October 13, 2022